Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's going down, I'm yelling TINDER!

The newest social media dating app craze amongst the younger crowd is called Tinder. It finally gives college kids an easy way to find an quick hook up for the night. Personally I do not have the app but from what I can see from roommates and other friends it has become quite popular in the past couple months in Athens, GA. The app is a dating website that creates matches with other people solely based on looks. All you have to do to get a Tinder profile is log in with your Facebook, download three or four pictures and fill in your name and gender and you are done. It uses your location to find people in the area that could be available for possible matches. When you search for matches all that shows up is the person's first name and the pictures that they downloaded. When you click the picture you can scroll through the pictures that they have and see whether or not you are attracted to them. If you are attracted to the other person you swipe right and a green check pops up that indicates you liked them, however they have no idea. If the other person ends up liking you back then Tinder will notify you that you two are a match. Thats when the fun begins! You can now message this person anything you want and see if they respond. You can hear anything from pick up lines right off the bat or just a simple hello. Some people are very up front about their purposes on Tinder and why they messaged you, others will beat around the bush a little at first. Either way the only thing I have seen come out of Tinder are late night downtown hookups and some pretty funny conversations.

Tinder has become the new social media "dating" craze throughout young adults, but I don't see this app lasting very long. I think people (girls mostly) will realize how creepy it is and the fad will slowly subside when some new app pops up. But for now Tinder is on fire through out college towns and spring break destinations so have fun everybody! Happy Tindering!

Here's a list of "The Unwritten Rules of Tinder" written by Huffington Post:


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